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Today’s workforce has seen a shift into a more hybrid teams system of working. This has created a need for HR technology within organisations. This shift has been welcomed by the employees who have made their preference to work from home, at least part time, clear.
The move towards a hybrid approach can be justified for most organisations as, despite a turbulent start to the system, 63% of employees now say they are more productive when working from home as opposed to the workplace. To excel in a hybrid system, organisations must ensure they have implemented the right technology to streamline workflow processes and enhance productivity.
The technology solutions and the strategies that employers decide to implement can have a major impact on the on the ability of the workforce to perform at the highest of their ability. For employers and managers, the right technology has the potential to enhance the ability to manage and track the progress of hybrid. In addition to this, the right technology can promote thoughtful collaboration amongst team members working within a hybrid system.
For employees, the right technology and strategies can allow for natural collaboration, performance improvements along with better connectivity between members of the workforce. This is important for employees working in a hybrid system as a more seamless integration of in house and remote staff can be achieved.
One of the biggest risks to a remote workforce is employees separating into groups of in house staff and remote workers. The different technologies will help a hybrid workforce avoid this issue by helping the organisation adopt clear and consistent communication between in house and remote working staff, therefore creating a workplace where all members of staff feel part of the team.
The types of HR technology an organisation decides to see as most crucial depends on the most pressing needs within the organisation. However is companies do not already have these solutions in place, they should consider implementing them in the short term in order to strengthen engagement, communication and individual development.
Implementing a performance management solution within the organisation can help employers and managers remain informed on employee performance and discover what segments of their work employees can improve on. To further the effect of these solutions, selecting an option that allows for assessing progress towards goals and connecting with employees one-on-one will allow greater success in a hybrid system.
Selecting the right technological solutions can help employers and their managers evaluate the organisations progress towards goals and objectives. By using technology, employers can be helped to break down goals into key action steps that can then be tracked and measured by the tools acquired from HR technology. Using technology to monitor progression through key action steps, can help keep employees moving in the right direction. This feature is valuable to a hybrid system as it will help keep employees focused on the task at hand even when they’re not surrounded by colleagues.
HR technology will also play a key role in ensuring the entire team remains connected. This is a very important factor for employers to address when considering hybrid teams. This is because teams working across a distance, may begin to feel disconnected and will miss out on opportunities for interpersonal interactions that happen naturally within the workplace. Therefore it is a vital factor for employers to implement technology that allows remote workers to collaborate with others within the workforce.
Employers need to ensure that meetings within a hybrid system are productive and engaging for the employees. Remote workers are, on average, attending one more meeting a day than when in the office.
Therefore it is imperative that employers look to implement technology that allows for dynamic team meetings. In these meetings, members can have input at their convenience and ideas can be displayed to all within the meetings using virtual whiteboards. Using these tools within a hybrid system may also create more diverse range of ideas from those in the team as a by-product of the engaging tools on offer to employees.
Hybrid teams can run into trouble when understanding how peers view their contributions, however, software can allow employees to share feedback in real time. Hybrid teams will be able to use these technologies to gain insights to what needs to be improved within their performance in addition to feeling much more connected whilst remote working.
Hybrid teams can offer a large amount of benefits to a company, however, without the correct management, implementations and technology, hybrid teams can create a large number of issues. If you are in need for HR technology within your organisations, OneHR can offer a great service.
It has always been the case that employers have a legal duty to protect their workers from harm at work including with their health. Make it one of your priorities to ensure your employee’s health is taken care of.
If you have any further questions or queries about the content above or would like to request a demo for oneHR, please don’t hesitate to contact the oneHR team today.
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